Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Find Public Records Online and at the Courthouse

 Grow your Knowledge as a Consumer

Public records are available to you as an American consumer if you know where to look for them. Many records are online now, including property records and assessment values for most counties and most states. Many legal opinions are also available for reading online once the case is completed.

If you read something in the local newspaper and want to check it out, you have the same records available to you as the reporter who wrote the original story. Just read carefully and figure out where the information is located. County records are held in the County Clerk's office. District Court records are at the District Clerk's office. Federal court records are at the Federal District Clerk's office. It's that easy. We have written an article with more detailed information about finding public records online and at the courthouse. Learn where to find public records to compare your property assessment with others in your area. These are likely available online, and you can read property value assessments from years past.

Read court cases in your area at the courthouse. Find criminal cases there, too. Stay informed and know how to check public records--a handy tool in your consumer toolbox.

See you soon!
