Some of us get too familiar with using the internet and let our guard down. Others realize the hazards and become more cautious over time. Hopefully, you can find somewhere in the middle to use your computer and the internet with some degree of safety because you are aware of the potential for identity theft and fraud.
You must be your own watchdog to protect yourself. One of the ways to protect yourself is to never be tempted by SPAM. If you get offers in your email and do not know the person, do not even open them--no matter how great the offer looks. Buying from spammers is one of the common ways to be defrauded. If you want to shop, go to your favorite search engine and find a website on your own.
Watch for internet fraud and potential identity theft in your online activities. Here is some more information to help you protect yourself as a savvy consumer on the internet. This link also gives information on reporting internet fraud.
Be savvy, be safe on the internet.