Did you know you can get a refund on an internet purchase if you have paid with a method that will permit a refund? Many online users do not know that they are entitled to a refund if the item does not arrive or if it is not what they ordered. Don't sleep on it, but act quickly.
Of course, your first action is to deal with the seller, particularly if it is an individual on a marketplace like eBay, iOffer, blujay, etsy or one of those. Most of the sellers will make good on their sale, but every now and then there is one who thinks it won't be necessary. Here's how it can work for you.
- Pay with a USPS money order and send it through the mail.
- Pay with credit card
- Pay with credit card through Google Checkout or PayPal
- Pay with personal check and send it through the mail
Do not be afraid to purchase online, but buy from reputable sellers, use Google Checkout or PayPal and your credit card, or send a USPS money order or personal check through the mail.
Until next time!
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