The news continues with workplace violence, including the incidents at Harvard University, Ft. Hood, and Orlando, Florida.
Management should be doing more to control workplace violence for the safety of other employees, but it may also be time for the American worker to insist on a safer work environment.
If you work with others in an office, it is important to be sure that new employees are not thieves, do not have a criminal record, and will not appear at work with a gun. This requires that management do some investigation prior to hiring new employees, and that co-workers keep an eye out for personality issues and anger problems in the office.
OSHA has specific requirements that the workplace be safe, and some states hold the employer liable for workplace violence. It is time the American worker can feel safe in the work environment. If you do not feel safe in your work environment, tell management about it.
We have written an article about workplace violence that should be helpful to you in assessing your personal work situation.
We live near Ft. Hood and have felt close to this situation. If we can help prevent workplace violence by writing or calling attention to it, we are pleased to help. It will be up to you to discuss this at your employment. Here is the article.
Safety is measures are indispensible and should be followed religiously. Safety habits should be cultivated among employees by constantly reminding them by means of safety meetings, hanging posters and banners, including messages in paychecks, promotional helmets, office stationary etc.